Making optimal health normal means prioritising wellness as a way of life, not just a goal.

About Me

Esther Amira-Opie

BSc(Hons), MSc, DipCNM mANP

With over two decades immersed in the world of healthcare, within the NHS and corporate diagnostics, I deeply comprehend the delicate balancing act of career, family, and health in today's hectic world. Just like many of you, I've navigated the challenges of modern life while striving for equilibrium and vitality.

In the pursuit of what I once labelled 'perfection' as a working mother, I found myself neglecting my own well-being. Coping with hormonal fluctuations, energy dips, and sleep disturbances, I embarked on a quest for answers, realizing that my coping mechanisms only exacerbated the issue.

Recognising the need for a shift, I delved into the root causes of my health imbalances, fuelling my commitment to personalised, sustainable transformations that address core health concerns. I understand the longing for lasting change amidst life's complexities.

My academic journey signifies more than just degrees; it embodies my passion for unravelling the complexities of the human body. Every lesson and 'aha' moment contributed to my profound dedication to holistic health.

I understand that true well-being transcends symptom management, encompassing emotional and psychological aspects. As someone who has traversed the path of balancing work, family, and health, I'm here to support you in reclaiming control over your health journey.

Here's to empowering you to seize control of your health and make optimal well-being the new norm. Let's embark on this transformative journey together.

Qualifications And Trainings

  • Bachelor Of Sciences in Biomedical Sciences (2.1) - University of West of England, Bristol, U.K.

  • National State Registration Clinical Chemistry - Institute For Biomedical Sciences, U.K.

  • Masters Of Science in Clinical Chemistry pt. (Merit) - University of Westminster, London, U.K.

  • Diploma Naturopathic Nutrition pt. (Distinction) - College Of Naturopathic Medicine, London, U.K.

  • LifeCodeGX NPP Practitioner - pending March 2024

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